The PLUG BOARD is a semi-regular feature on ‘Eastern Promise – The Podcast’ – the show which explores the full potential of the East of England. You can find it via all the main podcast platforms or here:
A panel of three participants is each given up to two minutes to plug their business/startup/organisation/whatever. This includes URLs, phone numbers, anything.
In exchange, you have to give the same amount of time to an organisation or business whose work you really admire, or even love. It can be anything or anyone, from a barista to a barrister. Just two provisos:
- It must be a named person or business; Nothing notional/hypothetical/symbolic or collective (so no ‘the great outdoors’ or ‘all SMEs’); and
- It/they have to be based in the East of England (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire or Essex);
Hopefully, a bit of fun banter will creep in too! The show has an audience across the UK and round the world, so you can be sure of a good hearing. An appearance can also lead to new business…!