Norfolk County Council’s Innovation Grant Mentoring Project is here to help guide you through and improve your bid writing skills to help you get what your business needs. If you’re a Norfolk or Suffolk SME you could be eligible for one to one support and tips on submitting a winning Innovation funding grant application.
There are a few places remaining on the project so apply now for the best chance of getting support from the Innovation Grant Mentoring team: sign up here
3 March event
Do you need help writing your Innovation Funding bid, or have you struggled with applications in the past?
Sign up for this free session on 3 March hosted by Norfolk County Council with guest speakers Liz Flint and Colm Watling, business leaders and innovators in their own right. They’ll cover how to identify funding opportunities, crafting a good value proposition, the bid writing process, and how to submit your bid.
Don’t miss out on this free expert advice and learn more about the project’s free 1:1 support and bid writing guidance. Limited places available sign up now