01440 782 100(Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm)

ESG: Reach Your Sustainability Goals

ESG Reach Your Sustainability Goals Event

We would like to invite you to a short webinar on Thursday 30 June 2022 which will aim to help you reach your business sustainability goals by having a sufficient ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy in place.

Eastern Powerhouse | Cambridge

Eastern Powerhouse Networking Event Banner

A lunch reception bringing together MPs, Local Leaders, and Businesses, to network and discuss policy initiatives for growth and prosperity.

Product Market Fit

Exit Right: a series of six masterclasses to drive your business from start-up to exit.

You have a good idea but you need to know that your product has a market. Product market fit is the first step in building a successful venture. Expert advice from entrepreneurs Phil Wakefield and Mark Preston will help put you on the right track by sharing their experience and expertise in the field. They will ensure that you ask the key questions before you go to market: Is there a customer base for your product? Is it packaged right? How do you blow the competition out of the market?

Fundraising & Pitching

Exit Right: a series of six masterclasses to drive your business from start-up to exit.

The right business pitch is vital for telling your company narrative and striking a chord with investors. Having developed two software companies, MD of OION, Richard Cooper will give you the inside track on pitching and angel funding in a new, post-COVID funding landscape. And, Benjamin Storey from Eagle Labs will look at access to funding and support available to start ups and growing businesses.

Marketing & Branding

Exit Right: a series of six masterclasses to drive your business from start-up to exit.

Want to know more about brand and marketing strategies that work? Leading experts Su Copeland, Founder of Priddy Marketing, and Warren Brown, Creative Director of Brown Creative, will give you insights and strategies on how to successfully implement branding for your business and leave you with a marketing ‘toolkit’ to help your company flourish and grow. Clarity of message is vital and a solid foundation on which you can market your products.

New Business Development & Customer Acquisition

Exit Right: a series of six masterclasses to drive your business from start-up to exit.

As you start to build your business, business development and customer acquisition are key. Customers are the lifeblood of any business, big or small. Serial entrepreneur and sales expert, Paul Essery, Innovation Director, Wendy Tindsley, and CEO of Innovation Gateway, Matt Pumfrey will advise and discuss putting together a value proposition, lead generation, how to build your customer base, customer relations and, of course, sales. Entrepreneur Matt Brown will talk through his learnings and successes as his new business has developed over the last couple of years, including some of the challenges as the journey continues.

Book a Tour

Join an inspiring community of innovators and entrepreneurs.

  • Book a tour of The EpiCentre
  • Get more information on workspace sizes, pricing & availability
  • Have your questions answered
  • Secure your choice of office, lab, coworking or meeting space

01440 782 100
(Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm)


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Ready to sign up for Lab space?

Space to experiment, space to research

  • Get more information on pricing & availability
  • Arrange a viewing of The EpiCentre lab space
  • Have your questions answered
  • Reserve your lab space

01440 782 100
(Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm)


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Covid-19 Statement

Update – 11 August 2022

Our Innovation Centres remain operational and accessible, and provide a safe environment for our staff and customers. We continue to assess the risk of COVID-19 alongside the latest guidance from government. In the meantime our Innovation Centre remains COVID-19 Secure and fully open for business. Our detailed risk assessment can be found here.